This media review is on urine therapy and I’ll admit I’ve never tried this. There are lots of books on urine therapy.
The title of the book on urine therapy that I read is A Treatise in Urine Therapy by John W. Armstrong. Let me tell you that any book title with the word Treatise in the title is usually tedious reading but this book wasn’t so bad. John (not a doctor) describes how he supervised the healing of 96 different people who chose urine therapy as part of their healing process—some of them ingesting disgusting looking urine as their only healing modality after the medical system had given them up for dead.
John writes: “Drinking your own urine acts to cleanse the body, free it from obstruction and rebuild vital organs damaged from disease.” The kidney is an amazing organ filtering components in the urine. Did you know that your urine varies with the foods you eat, the season of the year and that you only produce ¼ to ½ of your urine volume during sleeping hours? Well, it’s true.
“The prime cause of disease is the absence of substances which should be in the body and the presence of substances which should not be in the body” John writes.
Mr. John Anderson is convinced that drinking provides the body with much needed cell salts. Actually his discussion of cell salts was really pretty good if you have any interest in learning more about that. He’s also convinced that the body’s own urine acts as a homeopathic remedy to detoxify the body and repair the lungs, pancreas, liver, brain, heart, bowels and linings of the body. He believes that drinking your own urine accomplishes what mere fasting with water or juices cannot and explains the entire process in full detail in this 136 page book.
His introduction to drinking his own urine was when he became so ill that several doctors no longer felt it useful to treat him. He had what they called in those days, consumption. Well, when you don’t have the energy to do anything you have a lot of time to think. Being a religious sort of fellow it came to him while reading Proverbs V that “Drink waters of thine own cistern” meant that we should drink our own urine to be in optimal health. So he spent the next 45 days doing just that.
John also rubbed urine onto his own body—maybe he thought he was anointing himself? Who knows, but the treatment worked and he has helped heal many others with urine therapy over the years.
Some diseases he’s treated with urine therapy include: Gangrene, cancers of various kinds, Bright’s disease, leukemia, heart disease, malaria and fevers, orchitis, venereal disease, bed sores and burns, the common cold, hemorrhoids, blindness and cataracts.
He noted that arthritis and diabetes were harder to cure with urine therapy but that urine had no side effects and was the only food needed for sick people. Hmmm. No side effects? Well, I guess that’s a matter of opinion. I don’t know how many friends you’d have after you told them that you drank everything that came out of you and I don’t know too many spouses who would want to kiss a urine permeated partner very often—at least that’s what I’ve been told!
I once was brought in on an animal abuse case where the dog was left in its 4 x 8 food cyclone dog kennel for two weeks without food and water. The dog literally drank its own urine to survive. Very sad. After bathing it three times there was still a urine stench to that dog for several weeks. I’m sure that drinking volumes of your own urine would have that same affect.
Of course if your doctor tells you that you’re going to die and has given up on you this opens up the mind to alternative treatments of all kinds. In my practice I see a lot of people with open minds.
Important Note:
Information or testimonials are not offered as a substitute for professional medical prevention, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult with your physician, pharmacist, or health care provider before taking any home remedies or supplements or following any treatment suggested by anyone on this site. Only your health care provider, personal physician, or pharmacist can provide you with advice on what is safe and effective for your unique needs or diagnose your particular medical history.
Monday, 24 June 2013
Sunday, 23 June 2013
Urine Therapy - Your Own Perfect Medicine
‘Your Own Perfect Medicine’, Christy, Martha M., Wishland Publishing, 1994.
Like many people who become advocates for a particular therapy, they have used that therapy to successfully treat themselves. So it was with Christy who used urine therapy to treat herself for Chron’s disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and a number of others from which she had suffered for thirty years and which had unsuccessfully been treated with conventional medicine. Of course she took additional measures including good nutrition and rest which would be well advised for everyone, whatever condition they were treating and whatever way they were treating it.
Christy describes herself as a nutritional and natural health care consultant, medical research writer and editor. She is the author of about half a dozen other publications. This book is a 1994 publication and so its content is not more recent than 1993, despite its five subsequent reprints, the most recent of which was Feb. 2000. To some extent the success of ‘Your Own Perfect Medicine’ is attested to by the numerous reprints. Christy devotes over half of her book to what she calls research evidence, and 44 case studies. These studies cover a broad range of conditions such as infected wounds, ulcers, jaundice, respiratory conditions, cancer, AIDS and allergies. She appears to reference her work wherever she can. Other chapters include a history of urine therapy, how to use the therapy at home, and there is a chapter containing personal testimonials about specific conditions, including cancer and Hepatitis B. There is an Appendix of suggested reading but the weakness of the Appendix is that only one of the fifteen titles is about urine therapy. There is quite a detailed index making it easy to track down a particular topic. This is a book to be read by anyone wanting more up to date accounts of the successful use of urine therapy.
Like many people who become advocates for a particular therapy, they have used that therapy to successfully treat themselves. So it was with Christy who used urine therapy to treat herself for Chron’s disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and a number of others from which she had suffered for thirty years and which had unsuccessfully been treated with conventional medicine. Of course she took additional measures including good nutrition and rest which would be well advised for everyone, whatever condition they were treating and whatever way they were treating it.
Christy describes herself as a nutritional and natural health care consultant, medical research writer and editor. She is the author of about half a dozen other publications. This book is a 1994 publication and so its content is not more recent than 1993, despite its five subsequent reprints, the most recent of which was Feb. 2000. To some extent the success of ‘Your Own Perfect Medicine’ is attested to by the numerous reprints. Christy devotes over half of her book to what she calls research evidence, and 44 case studies. These studies cover a broad range of conditions such as infected wounds, ulcers, jaundice, respiratory conditions, cancer, AIDS and allergies. She appears to reference her work wherever she can. Other chapters include a history of urine therapy, how to use the therapy at home, and there is a chapter containing personal testimonials about specific conditions, including cancer and Hepatitis B. There is an Appendix of suggested reading but the weakness of the Appendix is that only one of the fifteen titles is about urine therapy. There is quite a detailed index making it easy to track down a particular topic. This is a book to be read by anyone wanting more up to date accounts of the successful use of urine therapy.
Thursday, 20 June 2013
Urine Therapy - Nature's Elixir For Good Health
An introduction to urine therapy's amazing effectiveness in treating a wide array of physical complaints.
• Contains effective treatments for acne, asthma, hair loss, indigestion,
infections, migraines, warts, wrinkles, and many other common ailments.
• Examines the historical use of urine therapy in the United States, Europe, and Asia.
• Includes a program for overcoming initial aversion to urine therapy.
If you are like most people, trained from their earliest years to regard urine as a mere waste product, the thought of using it for its healing powers may seem shocking. Yet urine has long played an important role in the holistic medical traditions of societies all over the world, and is even mentioned in the Ebers Medical Papyri of ancient Egypt. For centuries people have been availing themselves of urine's incredible curative powers for ailments ranging from anemia to warts. Urine is free, sterile, and acts homeopathically to "prepare" the immune system.
Urine Therapy includes many case histories of people who have successfully treated their ailments with urine, along with cogent explanations of why urine does what it does, how to ensure that the wastes flushed out with your urine aren't taken back in, and why urine may be the best tonic available for your immune system. In addition to protocols for using urine to treat a wide array of diseases, the book offers a program that teaches you step-by-step to overcome any initial aversion to urine therapy. Still playing an important role in the medical systems of countries as diverse as Germany, Japan, and India, this surprising health treatment has been gaining popularity in the United States.
• Contains effective treatments for acne, asthma, hair loss, indigestion,
infections, migraines, warts, wrinkles, and many other common ailments.
• Examines the historical use of urine therapy in the United States, Europe, and Asia.
• Includes a program for overcoming initial aversion to urine therapy.
If you are like most people, trained from their earliest years to regard urine as a mere waste product, the thought of using it for its healing powers may seem shocking. Yet urine has long played an important role in the holistic medical traditions of societies all over the world, and is even mentioned in the Ebers Medical Papyri of ancient Egypt. For centuries people have been availing themselves of urine's incredible curative powers for ailments ranging from anemia to warts. Urine is free, sterile, and acts homeopathically to "prepare" the immune system.
Urine Therapy includes many case histories of people who have successfully treated their ailments with urine, along with cogent explanations of why urine does what it does, how to ensure that the wastes flushed out with your urine aren't taken back in, and why urine may be the best tonic available for your immune system. In addition to protocols for using urine to treat a wide array of diseases, the book offers a program that teaches you step-by-step to overcome any initial aversion to urine therapy. Still playing an important role in the medical systems of countries as diverse as Germany, Japan, and India, this surprising health treatment has been gaining popularity in the United States.
Wednesday, 19 June 2013
Urine Therapy - The Complete Guide To Urine Therapy
Urine an ancient Eastern
tradition which is gaining popularity in the West. Devotees, who include the
actress Sarah Miles, claim that it is the oldest of natural remedies and swear
by its health enhancing properties. The venerable former prime minister of
India, Morarji Desai - who was 99 and in excellent health when the author met
him in 1994 - was open about the fact that he drank a glassful of his own urine
every day. It was while he was in India in 1990 that Coen van der Kroon was
given the opportunity to experience the therapy's benefits first hand, following
an accident. Afterwards, he embarked on a long journey around the world to
research its history, uses and efficacy. The Golden Fountain, the most complete
book to date on urine therapy, is the result of those wide-ranging
investigations. The author tackles his subject with sensitivity and conviction.
He provides a comprehensive overview of urine therapy's history throughout the
world, together with detailed case histories and a user-friendly guide to its
practical application in relation to specific ailments. Swami Pragyamurti
Saraswati, a strong advocate of urine therapy who teaches in London, has written
an authoritative foreword to the book while individual accounts from people who
have tried it and found it beneficial add a fascinating personal touch. As an
intriguing do-it-yourself home treatment, urine therapy is often the subject of
lively debate, but there's one thing that everybody agrees upon. It's absolutely
About the Author
Coen Van Der Kroon has extensively researched and documented the
effects of urine therapy, and attended the first All India Conference on urine
Sunday, 16 June 2013
Urine Therapy - Nature's Elixir for Good Health
An introduction to urine therapy's amazing effectiveness in treating a wide array of physical complaints:
• Contains effective treatments for acne, asthma, hair loss, indigestion, infections, migraines, warts, wrinkles, and many other common ailments.
• Examines the historical use of urine therapy in the United States, Europe, and Asia.
• Includes a program for overcoming initial aversion to urine therapy.
If you are like most people, trained from their earliest years to regard urine as a mere waste product, the thought of using it for its healing powers may seem shocking. Yet urine has long played an important role in the holistic medical traditions of societies all over the world, and is even mentioned in the Ebers Medical Papyri of ancient Egypt. For centuries people have been availing themselves of urine's incredible curative powers for ailments ranging from anemia to warts. Urine is free, sterile, and acts homeopathically to "prepare" the immune system.
Urine Therapy includes many case histories of people who have successfully treated their ailments with urine, along with cogent explanations of why urine does what it does, how to ensure that the wastes flushed out with your urine aren't taken back in, and why urine may be the best tonic available for your immune system. In addition to protocols for using urine to treat a wide array of diseases, the book offers a program that teaches you step-by-step to overcome any initial aversion to urine therapy. Still playing an important role in the medical systems of countries as diverse as Germany, Japan, and India, this surprising health treatment has been gaining popularity in the United States.
Thursday, 13 June 2013
Urine Therapy - Acts Like A Vaccine
Dr. Dharmadhikari of Pune in Maharashtra state, India, has tried auto urine therapy on more than 200 patients, and has carried out scientific investigations related to this therapy. Here are the conclusions he has arrived at as a result of these researches:
It is believed by some researchers that urine acts like a vaccine, promoting the generation of antibodies that fight and over the agencies that cause disorders, thus resisting and curing diseases.
- The body begins to absorb more oxygen from the atmosphere after the commencement of auto-urine therapy, and the metabolic reactions are speeded up. The results of a large number of experiments support this conclusion.
- The commencement of auto-urine therapy is invariably followed by a slow but definite increase in the number of red blood corpuscles in and the haemoglobin content of the blood.
- Urine supplements the essential nutrients and makes up the deficiency of any nutrient in the body.
- Urine contains highly active enzymes, that have a salutary effect on al the physiological reaction taking place in the body
- Urine contains valuable salts necessary for the body. (The well-known and widely prevalent 'Biochemic' therapeutic system uses just twelve salts to cure any and every disease).
- The hormones contained in urine are of great benefit to the body.
- Urine possesses bactericidal properties. It therefore destroys the disease-causing bacteria in the body, especially those infesting the digestive tract.
- The substances present in the urine augment and sharpen the body's natural powers of resistance to disease.
- The substance called 'urea' present in urine is a diuretic and increases the efficiency of the kidneys.
- Urine is a tonic that strengthens the body, and an 'elixir' the confers longevity .
It is believed by some researchers that urine acts like a vaccine, promoting the generation of antibodies that fight and over the agencies that cause disorders, thus resisting and curing diseases.
Tuesday, 11 June 2013
Urine Therapy - Don't Take This Lightly
Don't take this therapy lightly. Multiple sclerosis, colitis, lupus, rheumatoid
arthritis, cancer, hepatitis, hyperactivity, pancreatic insufficiency,
psoriasis, eczema, diabetes, herpes, mononucleosis, adrenal failure, allergies
and so many other ailments have been relieved through use of this therapy. After
you overcome your initial gag response (I know I had one), you will realize that
something big is going on, and if you are searching for health, this is an area
to investigate. There are numerous reports and double blind studies which go
back to the turn of the century supporting the efficacy of using urine for
health. The recurring points to all of the medical research done to date on
urine indicates that it is completely sterile. If it becomes contaminated it
happens after it leaves the body. Urine is a by-product of blood filtration, not
waste filtration. Urine contains compounds that are very specific to the
individual from which it comes. It is antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral,
antineoplastic (anticancer), anticonvulsive, and antispasmodic. It is totally
Monday, 10 June 2013
Urine Therapy - A Powerful Healer
To get some understanding of how urine can be such a powerful healing
substance in and of itself, let's take a look at how urine therapy has been
known to completely eliminate allergies. Researchers have discovered that
allergic responses are caused by "renegade" white blood cells that
inappropriately attack substances even when they may be no threat to the body.
So it is the activity of these renegade white blood cells, called antigen
receptors, that needs to be corrected in order to cure the allergy. In 1982,
studies published by Dr. William Linscott (in Basic and Clinical Immunology)
showed that when these antigen receptors (or renegade white blood cells) are
reintroduced into the body, the body actually developed antibodies to these
antigen receptors, and the antibodies then stopped the allergic response.
Realizing that the urine of allergic individuals contains the allergy causing
antigen receptors, researchers thought that to re-introduce the urine back to
the allergic individual would mean antibodies would be produced which would then
stop the allergic response. And that is exactly what happens. Allergies have
been completely turned around with urine therapy. Using urine in this way to
cure the allergy, is one form of isopathic treatment. You're using the same
substance that is causing the allergy, to be reintroduced to the body to have
the body manufacture its own antibody to it. If you grasp this point, you may be
able to see the ability of this therapy to be used in just about any illness the
body may experience.
Sunday, 9 June 2013
Urine Therapy - A Nutrient Rich Powerhouse
A Nutrient Rich Powerhouse
In 1975, one of the founders of Miles Laboratories, Dr. A. H. Free, published his book Urinalysis in Clinical Laboratory Practice, in which he remarked that not only is urine a sterile body compound (purer than distilled water), but that it is now recognized that urine contains literally thousands of compounds. Among the urine constituents mentioned in Dr. Free's treatise is a list of nutrients that will knock your socks off. Here's just a few... Alanine, Arginine, Ascorbic acid, Allantoin, Amino acids, Bicarbonate, Biotin, Calcium, Creatinine, Cystine, DHEA, Dopamine, Epinephrine, Folic acid, Glucose, Glutamic acid, Glycine, Inositol, Iodine, Iron, Lysine, Magnesium, Manganese, Melatonin, Methionine, Nitrogen, Ornithane, Pantothenic acid, Phenylalaline, Phosphorus, Potassium, Proteins, Riboflavin, Tryptophan, Tyrosine, Urea, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Zinc/ Stories have been told of individuals who have both lived and died by being trapped in places without food and water for days. Those that survived did so because they drank their own urine, those that perished did not. The ones that died probably could not overcome the mis-informed thoughts that urine is a waste product of the body. It's not. It's just a substance the body secretes that contains elements not needed at the time.
Despite what you may have been led to believe about urine, pharmaceutical companies have grossed billions of dollars from the sale of drugs made from urine constituents. Research is happening every day in labs attempting to isolate specific elements of urine so they can create new drugs and patent the substances. For instance, Pergonal is a fertility drug made from human urine. 1992 sales of this drug were reported at $855 million while it costs a patient $1400 a month to consume. Urokinase, a urine ingredient, is used in drug form and sold as a miracle blood clot dissolver for unblocking coronary arteries. Urea, medically proven to be one of the best moisturizers in the world, is packaged in expensive creams and lotions. Take the M out of Murine eye drops and what do you have? Yep. It's made from carbamide - another name for synthetic urea.
In 1975, one of the founders of Miles Laboratories, Dr. A. H. Free, published his book Urinalysis in Clinical Laboratory Practice, in which he remarked that not only is urine a sterile body compound (purer than distilled water), but that it is now recognized that urine contains literally thousands of compounds. Among the urine constituents mentioned in Dr. Free's treatise is a list of nutrients that will knock your socks off. Here's just a few... Alanine, Arginine, Ascorbic acid, Allantoin, Amino acids, Bicarbonate, Biotin, Calcium, Creatinine, Cystine, DHEA, Dopamine, Epinephrine, Folic acid, Glucose, Glutamic acid, Glycine, Inositol, Iodine, Iron, Lysine, Magnesium, Manganese, Melatonin, Methionine, Nitrogen, Ornithane, Pantothenic acid, Phenylalaline, Phosphorus, Potassium, Proteins, Riboflavin, Tryptophan, Tyrosine, Urea, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Zinc/ Stories have been told of individuals who have both lived and died by being trapped in places without food and water for days. Those that survived did so because they drank their own urine, those that perished did not. The ones that died probably could not overcome the mis-informed thoughts that urine is a waste product of the body. It's not. It's just a substance the body secretes that contains elements not needed at the time.
Despite what you may have been led to believe about urine, pharmaceutical companies have grossed billions of dollars from the sale of drugs made from urine constituents. Research is happening every day in labs attempting to isolate specific elements of urine so they can create new drugs and patent the substances. For instance, Pergonal is a fertility drug made from human urine. 1992 sales of this drug were reported at $855 million while it costs a patient $1400 a month to consume. Urokinase, a urine ingredient, is used in drug form and sold as a miracle blood clot dissolver for unblocking coronary arteries. Urea, medically proven to be one of the best moisturizers in the world, is packaged in expensive creams and lotions. Take the M out of Murine eye drops and what do you have? Yep. It's made from carbamide - another name for synthetic urea.
Thursday, 6 June 2013
Urine Therapy - Hair Loss
Hair loss is a common beauty and dermatological complication among adults with many reporting complications associated with hair loss in response to poor diet and hormonal changes. If you are noticing that your hair is beginning to thin in some areas, it is important to consider not only traditional medicinal solutions for hair loss but also solutions that are natural and may help to slow the progression.
For many hair loss sufferers, there is a desire to restore lost hair but, even more importantly, to slow the progression of continued hair loss. Rather than expending the cost for traditional dermatological treatments and surgeries for hair transplant, alternative solutions for slowing hair loss are usually considered. When considering options for natural solutions, urine therapy has become increasingly more popular as an option over traditional medicine.
Because hair loss is believed to be associated with the vital loss of healthy proteins in the hair follicles, the options for natural remedies typically are founded on the principle that proteins can be replenished and hair follicles made stronger. It is under this guise of treatment foundation that the use of urine therapy is becoming increasingly common among hair loss sufferers in the United States.
Using urine, sulphur powder and mashed potatoes, a natural health practitioner can create the compound that is needed for hair loss prevention. While there is much debate over the effectiveness of this remedy, many natural health practitioners are recommending it to their clients. With daily use, by placing the compound solution on the head, hair loss sufferers are commonly reporting that the rate by which they are losing hair is slowed and this fosters further healthy hair growth.
If you are considering options for hair loss treatment, it may be prudent to investigate the options for natural treatment before diving into traditional therapy or even transplant surgery. While urine therapy for hair loss is still highly controversial, if your natural medicine specialist recommends such treatment, it may be worth trying before expending large amounts of dollars on other forms of care.
Sources: Urine Therapy: Nature's Elixir for Good Health, by Flora Peschek-Bohmer
For many hair loss sufferers, there is a desire to restore lost hair but, even more importantly, to slow the progression of continued hair loss. Rather than expending the cost for traditional dermatological treatments and surgeries for hair transplant, alternative solutions for slowing hair loss are usually considered. When considering options for natural solutions, urine therapy has become increasingly more popular as an option over traditional medicine.
Because hair loss is believed to be associated with the vital loss of healthy proteins in the hair follicles, the options for natural remedies typically are founded on the principle that proteins can be replenished and hair follicles made stronger. It is under this guise of treatment foundation that the use of urine therapy is becoming increasingly common among hair loss sufferers in the United States.
Using urine, sulphur powder and mashed potatoes, a natural health practitioner can create the compound that is needed for hair loss prevention. While there is much debate over the effectiveness of this remedy, many natural health practitioners are recommending it to their clients. With daily use, by placing the compound solution on the head, hair loss sufferers are commonly reporting that the rate by which they are losing hair is slowed and this fosters further healthy hair growth.
If you are considering options for hair loss treatment, it may be prudent to investigate the options for natural treatment before diving into traditional therapy or even transplant surgery. While urine therapy for hair loss is still highly controversial, if your natural medicine specialist recommends such treatment, it may be worth trying before expending large amounts of dollars on other forms of care.
Sources: Urine Therapy: Nature's Elixir for Good Health, by Flora Peschek-Bohmer
Wednesday, 5 June 2013
Urine Therapy -Get Rid Of Acne
The longest beauty battle with teenagers and young adults is ACNE! There is acne treatment in every form – soaps, creams, capsules, ointments, oils – just name it! Personally, nothing really works for me so I just let my face be.
Anyway, a way that works, is effective and costs you nothing at all is urinotherapy. I’ve realised that people are swayed by names; hence the name URINOTHERAPY. If I used something like ‘Urine and acne’ or ‘Urine as an acne treatment’, then most people won’t bother reading again because it doesn’t sound ‘scientific’ or ‘medical’. It all boils down to packaging but that’s a post for another day.
Back to urinotherapy, our first reaction to urine for acne treatment is this but contrary to popular belief, urine is about 90-95% water and is therefore not toxic. The smell also fades after it dries but dont worry you wont be wearing a urine mask all day. Its quite simple … For acne, its usually the first urine passed for the day used. I’ve outlined a few steps below:
Collect the midstream of your urine first thing in the morning in a container.
Use a cotton wool or facial tissue to dip into the urine collected.
Apply to the acne and leave it on for about 10 minutes or more.
Rinse it off with water.
The beauty of this form of therapy is that again its 100% natural. Most acne treatments contain urea which is a main component of urine. You can apply this treatment twice a day for maximum effects or even leave overnight. It generally has no side effects but some may experience a slight tingling sensation.
Anyway, a way that works, is effective and costs you nothing at all is urinotherapy. I’ve realised that people are swayed by names; hence the name URINOTHERAPY. If I used something like ‘Urine and acne’ or ‘Urine as an acne treatment’, then most people won’t bother reading again because it doesn’t sound ‘scientific’ or ‘medical’. It all boils down to packaging but that’s a post for another day.
Back to urinotherapy, our first reaction to urine for acne treatment is this but contrary to popular belief, urine is about 90-95% water and is therefore not toxic. The smell also fades after it dries but dont worry you wont be wearing a urine mask all day. Its quite simple … For acne, its usually the first urine passed for the day used. I’ve outlined a few steps below:
Collect the midstream of your urine first thing in the morning in a container.
Use a cotton wool or facial tissue to dip into the urine collected.
Apply to the acne and leave it on for about 10 minutes or more.
Rinse it off with water.
The beauty of this form of therapy is that again its 100% natural. Most acne treatments contain urea which is a main component of urine. You can apply this treatment twice a day for maximum effects or even leave overnight. It generally has no side effects but some may experience a slight tingling sensation.
Tuesday, 4 June 2013
Water Of Life - J.W. Armstrong
In this revolutionary treatise, J.W. Armstrong puts the compelling case
that all diseases (except those caused by traumatism or structural disorders)
can be cured by one simple means. The therapy is an entirely drugless system of
healing that treats the body as a whole. Moreover, the only ingredient needed is
a substance manufactured in the body itself, rich in mineral salts, hormones and
other vital substances, namely human urine. It may seem strange to take back
into the body something that the body is apparently discarding. Yet the theory
is similar to the natural practice of organic composting. Fallen leaves, when
dug back into the soil, provide valuable mineral salts to nourish new plant
life. The same principle holds true for the human
Monday, 3 June 2013
Urine Therapy - "Your Own Perfect Medicine" By Martha Christy
1935, by John H. Foulger, M.D., and Lee Foshay, M.D., Journal of
Laboratory and Clinical Medicine. From the Departments of
Pharmacology and Experimental Bacteriology, University of Cincinnati.
The researchers in this study, Foulger and Forshay, found that urea
was extremely effective in curing or preventing a wide variety of
bacterial infections and, unlike sulfa drugs, which were widely used
at the time, had no deleterious side effects:
"...In an account of the action of urea...Ramsden (1902) made the
very interesting observation that urea prevents putrefaction... The
first detailed study of urea as a bactericide, (destroys bacteria),
is that of Peju and Rajat... No great attention was paid to the
bactericidal action of urea until Symmers and Kirk (1915), (who)
found urea of undoubted value as a wash in the treatment of
Diptheria carriers (and) the treatment of wounds. That urea was
innocuous (harmless) to human tissues was adequately proved.
"In one case with a chronic staphylococcus blood infection, urea
(powder) was sprinkled between the layers of tissue and the wound,
then closed with sutures. Healing followed with no sign of
infection. ...Infected wounds, dressed with urea powder, gave better
results than similar wounds treated by similar methods.
"Unaware of the work of Symmers and Kirk, one of us (J.F.) selected,
as material for a clinical study of urea, a few cases of Purulant
Otitis Media (middle ear infection)... All of the cases which had
failed to respond to other local medicaments responded to urea.
"A boy of ten developed Otitis Media and Hemorrhagic Nephritis
(kidney inflammation) about the third week of hospitalization for
scarlet fever. Urea treatments were started. The ear discharges at
once became less foul. At the same time the blood gradually
disappeared from the urine.
"The results so far obtained suggest that urea may be of
considerable value in the treatment of purulent discharges of many
types, also in the treatment of suppurating wounds producing foul
odors. This latter use of urea has been reported recently by Millar
(see next report).
"The cheapness and harmlessness of urea should encourage other
investigations of its clinical use."
As an added note, Foulger and Foshay also discovered, as did other
urea researchers later, that destroying strong bacterial strains,
such as those which cause staph and strep infections, required
longer exposure to urea than did some other types of bacteria, which
is something to keep in mind when using Urine Therapy to combat
staph and strep infections.
1935, by John H. Foulger, M.D., and Lee Foshay, M.D., Journal of
Laboratory and Clinical Medicine. From the Departments of
Pharmacology and Experimental Bacteriology, University of Cincinnati.
The researchers in this study, Foulger and Forshay, found that urea
was extremely effective in curing or preventing a wide variety of
bacterial infections and, unlike sulfa drugs, which were widely used
at the time, had no deleterious side effects:
"...In an account of the action of urea...Ramsden (1902) made the
very interesting observation that urea prevents putrefaction... The
first detailed study of urea as a bactericide, (destroys bacteria),
is that of Peju and Rajat... No great attention was paid to the
bactericidal action of urea until Symmers and Kirk (1915), (who)
found urea of undoubted value as a wash in the treatment of
Diptheria carriers (and) the treatment of wounds. That urea was
innocuous (harmless) to human tissues was adequately proved.
"In one case with a chronic staphylococcus blood infection, urea
(powder) was sprinkled between the layers of tissue and the wound,
then closed with sutures. Healing followed with no sign of
infection. ...Infected wounds, dressed with urea powder, gave better
results than similar wounds treated by similar methods.
"Unaware of the work of Symmers and Kirk, one of us (J.F.) selected,
as material for a clinical study of urea, a few cases of Purulant
Otitis Media (middle ear infection)... All of the cases which had
failed to respond to other local medicaments responded to urea.
"A boy of ten developed Otitis Media and Hemorrhagic Nephritis
(kidney inflammation) about the third week of hospitalization for
scarlet fever. Urea treatments were started. The ear discharges at
once became less foul. At the same time the blood gradually
disappeared from the urine.
"The results so far obtained suggest that urea may be of
considerable value in the treatment of purulent discharges of many
types, also in the treatment of suppurating wounds producing foul
odors. This latter use of urea has been reported recently by Millar
(see next report).
"The cheapness and harmlessness of urea should encourage other
investigations of its clinical use."
As an added note, Foulger and Foshay also discovered, as did other
urea researchers later, that destroying strong bacterial strains,
such as those which cause staph and strep infections, required
longer exposure to urea than did some other types of bacteria, which
is something to keep in mind when using Urine Therapy to combat
staph and strep infections.
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