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Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Efficacy of Urine Therapy

Today marked my 120th day on Urine Therapy. I had discovered that a black mole on my face had become smaller. My complexion had greatly improved, smoother and more radiant after 4 months of application of urine.


Efficacy of Urine Therapy
It is like a miraculous medicine effective against all illnesses
Urine therapy is effective against almost all illnesses
There are numerous illnesses reported around the world to be alleviated by urine therapy, from cancer to rheumatism to dementia to cosmetic beutifying, etc. It is fitting to describe urine therapy as a miraculous medicine effective against all illnesses.
According to an American Version of Urine Therapy, the illnesses to be alleviated include
Aging, AIDS, allergy, scrum, induced allergy, ameba dysentery, antibacteria, antivirus, antiprotozoa, animal and snake bites, twist, hypertension, burn, cancer, chemical intoxication, chicken pox, enteritis, constipation, pneumonia due to CMV or bacteria infection, dysentery, edema, eczema, eye irritation, fatigue, fever, flagellate anterozoa, gonorrhea, gout, bloody urine, small pox, immunological disorder, infection, baldness, insomnia, jaundice, hepatitis, arthrodynia. Kaposi's sarcoma, leprosy, lymphatic disorder, ulcer of lymph node, urticaria, morning sickness (vomiting, pregnancy, alcohol intoxication), obesity, papilloma virus, parasitoses, gastric ulcer, myelitis, pregnancy intoxication, rheumatism, tinca, birth mark, bloody dysentery, dermopathy, stroke, congestion, lumbago, typhus, gastritis, depression, cold sore, tuberculosis, pretties, tetanus, asthma, tacky cardia, Parkinson's disease, athletic foot, diabetes and other endocrine related diseases.
Illnesses responsive to CDA-II therapy
Clinical application of CDA-II has shown that CDA-II was effective against cancer, hypertension, constipation, aging, allergy, fatigue, gout, insomnia, arthritis, obesity, gastric ulcer, rheumatism, gastritis, diabetes, etc.
Physicians' comments
Although statistic clearly shows that urine therapy is effective against a wide variety of illnesses. From physicians' point of view, if symptoms show up patients should be examined by physicians, and treated accordingly with drugs. Urine therapy should be used only as supplement. Legitimate application of urine therapy for particular illness should go through a proper channel of investigation, first to study theoretical basis and then to obtain clinical evidence. For example, CDA-II has been studied to establish its theoretical basis as inducers of terminal differentiation of cancer cells, and safety was assured before conducting clinical trials. Similar studies should be followed for other illnesses.


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