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Sunday, 24 July 2011

Drinking Urine

Today marked my 34th day on Urine Therapy.


Morning urine is best. Take the middle stream. You can start with a few drops, building up to one glass a day. Good as a tonic, as a preventive and in minor illnesses.

Drink all the urine you pass, except for the evenings�otherwise you won�t get any sleep. You can also take some extra water. The urine will quickly change its taste into almost neutral. Fasting on urine and water cleanses the blood. Toxins are removed through liver, skin and exhalation.

Gargling with urine works wonders when having a throat-ache. Also good for toothache and generally when having a cold.

Urine enemas work very well in cleansing the colon and in providing a direct immune stimulant.

Vaginal douche:
Helpful in cases such as yeast problems, white discharge, etc.

Ear and eye drops:
For ear infections, conjunctivitis, glaucoma. For the eyes, dilute the urine with some water.

Sniffing urine/Neti:
Sinusitis and other nose problems. Very good preventive for colds and to clean the subtlechannels in the head.

External application
Massaging/rubbing: You can use either fresh or old urine. Old urine (4 to 8 days) is generally more effective, but it has a pungent odour. Massaging the whole body is an important complementary treatment when fasting. It nourishes the body through the skin and helps against increased heartbeat.

You can leave the urine on or wash it off after an hour or so, just with water or with a mild, natural soap. Fresh urine as an after-shave gives you a beautiful soft skin. It is also helpful in all kinds of skin problems such as itching, sunburns, eczema, psoriasis and acne.

Gentle rubbing of urine into acupressure points (for example, on the ears) is useful when reactions are otherwise too strong accompanied by heavy allergic reaction.

Foot baths: Any skin and nail problems of the feet (athlete�s foot and ringworm)

Compress: When rubbing is not appropriate, this is another way of applying urine on the skin.

Hair and scalp massage: Renders the hair soft and clean. Sometimes stimulates new hair growth.

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